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Nourishing Our Creative Fire: 4th Annual Spiritual Herbalism Conference

I will be teaching a workshop with Kelly Pacumio, on “Nourish Your Creative Elements with Astrology and Herbs” at the 4th Annual Sacred Vibes Spiritual Herbalism Conference on October 9th at 11am ET.

Get tickets and see the keynotes and workshop line-up for the Oct 9-10th virtual conference HERE! 

Earth, Water, Fire and Air are the elements of life. Our ancestors understood that there is a relationship with the stars, the life-giving elements, and all living beings, which is the blueprint of medicine and healing. We each contain a combination of nature’s elements within ourselves. Each element has unique characteristics that manifest as different approaches to creativity. How do these elements come together to create who we are and what we create? Which elements do we feel familiar with, and which ones less so? How can we draw upon our elemental strengths, and balance it with the elements we could use more of?

Through the lenses of astrology and herbalism, we can explore these questions for ourselves and nourish our creativity in creative ways. Like us, herbs are composed of the elements, learning about herbs through their elemental associations provide a powerful way to deepen our relationship with plants and ourselves especially when it is used alongside astrology.

In this workshop, we will be using Western Astrology and discuss how the life-giving elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, when combined with herbal medicine to support each element, can be used as tools to balance the elements within ourselves and nourish our creativity.

May 2

Self Care as Community Care: Meditation & Herbalism Workshop

December 17

Conference on Spiritual Technology